so as shown, the vehicle can run for some time solely off the battery.
when the battery dies, so does the van.
owners can think about what to do...for instance many RV's have another battery in the back.
all you have to do is move it forward and hook it up.
in advance, look to see if it will fit- are the cables the same or do you need $6 worth of adapter to hook it up.
a roadside swap will take 15 minutes if you are prepared and you can get on your way.
a GM serpentine belt takes a single 15mm wrench and 5 minutes to replace.
if this is beyond your abilities, then be prepared to call for help- buy into a roadside plan- and use it.
in most cases calling a tow will end up with the same driver/truck, whether you call direct or use your roadside plan.
one will be cheaper than the other
when driving watch your gauges- if you see a problem- get to where you won;t be a hazard
an alternator can be destroyed by a bad battery or bad cabling- good to keep an eye in that stuff
think about carrying a kit with flares, cones or other warning devices for approaching traffic