Forum Discussion

asde33's avatar
Apr 01, 2015

rv will not move faster than 60mph

A 77 Winnie Minnie (Chevy) will not go more than 60 mph. Converter lockup? I don't know where to start without obd. Thanks
  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    If it's a "350" V8, it may not do much more than that. The Weight of an RV is an issue, but "wind resistance" from Frontal Area adds up fast as speed increases.
  • I rented a UHaul about 11 years ago to move from L.A. to Napa and it had a governor. Coming up over the grapevine was maddenining!!!! I was stuck at 35 sometimes.

  • DutchmenSport wrote:
    There was a device that could be installed on older vehicles that prevented the vehicle from exceeding a certain speed. It's called a 'governor.' They were deliberately installed on U-haul trucks to prevent going over 55 mph. I know, I rented a couple back in the middle '70's. When the maximum speed limit on interstates switched from 70 to 55 mph for a few years, people started putting "governors" on their engines so they deliberately could not speed any faster. It sounds like your vehicle has one of these installed.

    See if you can locate an old-timer mechanic ... someone who was around in the middle 70's and I'm sure they will be able to tell you exactly where this is located and how to remove it. I just remember, they were a real pain in the neck. I rented a U-haul truck (I think the year was 1977 and drove it over I-40 - Black Mountain - Ashville, NC). I thought I'd never make it up that hill because that darn governor would not let the engine rpm where it need to. And even down-shifting did not let the RPM's get high enough. I barely made it over the mountain. Oh, I remember well. I bet that's your problem!

    X2 My thought also.
  • There was a device that could be installed on older vehicles that prevented the vehicle from exceeding a certain speed. It's called a 'governor.' They were deliberately installed on U-haul trucks to prevent going over 55 mph. I know, I rented a couple back in the middle '70's. When the maximum speed limit on interstates switched from 70 to 55 mph for a few years, people started putting "governors" on their engines so they deliberately could not speed any faster. It sounds like your vehicle has one of these installed.

    See if you can locate an old-timer mechanic ... someone who was around in the middle 70's and I'm sure they will be able to tell you exactly where this is located and how to remove it. I just remember, they were a real pain in the neck. I rented a U-haul truck (I think the year was 1977 and drove it over I-40 - Black Mountain - Ashville, NC). I thought I'd never make it up that hill because that darn governor would not let the engine rpm where it need to. And even down-shifting did not let the RPM's get high enough. I barely made it over the mountain. Oh, I remember well. I bet that's your problem!
  • I would do all the things listed above just to have a good starting point. Also if it has a cat converter then it will have an 02 sensor. These are cheap ($25) and will kill performance if old so replace it no matter what.
    The thing is, 1977 was not a good year for engine emissions equipment and performance. I don't think you have a lock-up TC.
    Even Corvettes only had about 180 HP (and terrible fuel efficiency) and you'll have much less than that. It may be that 60 is about all it can do under the best of circumstances.
  • Hi,

    It sounds like it is not shifting from second gear to drive. That can be a vacuum leak between the engine and transmission, so the transmission is thinking that you have wide open throttle, no vacuum, and need to say in second gear.

    If the engine is running at a really high RPM, that would be your problem.

    However if the engine is not making power, and seems very sluggish, and will hardly get out of it's own way, then look for things like a plugged fuel filter, or bad fuel pump, ect.

    If the engine sounds normal while warming up and the choke is on, but becomes rough and the exhaust smells of unburned gas while it is running, then the carb floats might be stuck or dirty, or filled with gas so they let in to much gas into the carb. This will cause it to run rich, get 2 MPG and require a carb rebuild. The typical $35 rebuild kit will include new floats, gaskets, ect. But probably no instructions on how to install it.

    You might check with a community college and see if they can rebuild your carb as a class project, or look for a good mechanic.

    My guess is the engine is running fine, but not shifting into drive.

    Good luck,

  • hi,

    low fuel pump pressure,plugged fuel filters,mechanical advance in distributor stuck,plugged exhaust,air filter.

    many possibilities,start with basics
  • I once had carb issues with the vacuum secondary that limited speed and reduced power.
