garyemunson wrote:
Thanks for all the great info! I see that those type slides have been around now since at least 2007 and that in the beginning, the failure rate was very high. I'm now keeping an eye out for slides like these when we are at RV parks and so far haven't come across anyone who has claimed to have had a problem with them. My career was elevator service and up until the 80's elevator door motors were at least as big as an average compressor motor but soon were replaced with ever-shrinking gear motors. At first, us service guys couldn't get replacements fast enough to fix the dead elevator doors but as the years went by and we returned the carcasses for post-mortems, the small motors kept getting better and better to the point that they became a non-issue and it was a rarity to find a failed one. My Winnie is a 2015. I'm assuming there are people on here who had problems with Schwintecs and those who haven't. Do the replaced motors seem to be better quality now?
There are MILLIONS of Schwintek slide systems in use. The Motors have been the same for about 5 years. The 300 motors(95 present of the schwinteks) are the same except for the wire connections on the motors. The other 5 percent are the 500 rpm motor systems. The system (motors/wiring/electronics) have been updated(better) for at least 5 years from the original. The Mechanism (except for tiny plastic pieces) has NOT changed in 10 years. The main problem in the first few years was NOT the Schwintek system but the OEM's installs. ALL the system does is move the room out and in. The floor support and rollers and slide box and cutout of the RV are the OEM's. Running the wiring to the Slide mechanism is the OEM's job. The failure is rare now and usually caused by the improper installation of the OEM. Doug