Well Sir, if you've done a reasonably educated inspection, that is, checking for pliability of the one year old sealant, looking for spots where the sealant may have lifted away from anything it was supposed to seal like, a vent to roof, a front or rear cap to roof, fridge vent to roof etc. and, all of it looks good and the sealant is still quite pliable, I'd leave it.
Our rig is an '04 Itasca Horizon with the C-7 330 HP CAT and, the sealant on all the vents, edges, front and rear caps etc. is original sealant and it's in fantastic condition. Now, I will say that the coach has been under a drive-under cover ever since it was new so, that most likely helps a ton.
So, again, if yours looks good, I'd leave it.