powderman426 wrote:
I see no real difference between an rv and a car except size. Autonomous vehicles would greatly reduce the number and severity of accidents as well as reducing the need for more lanes as they could safely travel at close range. It's coming and it's going to be great.
That is the theory and several science fiction authors have explored the concept of self driving trucks, of not motor homes.
Google's auto-auto, has been banned in California as CA requires a steering wheel (And in fact I would not want a car without some way to manually take over) and it does not have one.
But.... Something to think of.. Airplanes today have control computers good enough that you can take off, fly and land all under computer control,b(In act most engine control computers are powerful enough to handle this task with a bit of re-programmign and re-sensoring, and planes have better computers) NO pilot is technically needed.. BUT THEY STILL REQUIRE A PILOT.. Why? Because of something a pilot once said. He was ask to describe his job.. He said "Hours and Hours of boredom punctuated with moments of shear terror".
The computer can handle the Boredom part very well, in fact computers excel at that kidn of thing. But the Moments of sheer terror.. That is when a HUMAN HAND at the controls makes the difference between life and death.