Forum Discussion

smp005's avatar
May 27, 2016

Shopping for used DP

Hello everyone,

We are shopping for a DP coach. Originally we looked at new but have decided to pay cash for a used one to see if we are truly going to use it before dropping $180k or more for a new rig.

There are lots of $40k-$50k coaches out there and we have seen several that interest us.

Here is my question, and I know it is very subjective but...

How does everyone decide how much to offer? For example, if the coach is listed for $46k, what is a sensible first offer? Most of these are dealer listings (PPL in Texas for example)..
  • With PPL the owner sets the price and also negotiates the price. PPL just has a parking space for the RV. Everything is done through the owner. PPL did recommend a selling price to us but we upped it thinking a buyer always tries for less. We were lucky. We got what we wanted. We had an excellent experience selling ours through them. PPL gets a lot of traffic coming through. RVs are brought in and sold and taken out at a good steady rate.
  • My best advice is that if you are serious about a rig, look around at what else you can get for that money. if you find something better, try to match or better that unit.
  • Check PPL Consignment web site to get a general idea on pricing and a look at many floorplans.
  • If you would like to have a copy of a very comprehensive used DP pre-purchase checklist, send me a PM. It is several pages and much too long to post here.
  • In general terms, start with something like NADA or Kelly Blue Book to get a starting point if the unit is listed in either. Then, just keep poking around the internet for comparable units and how much they are asking. At least, that's what I did when I made an offer on mine. I started with the lowest figure I'd seen out there and then negotiated with the seller until we came to an agreeable figure. We were happy, they were happy and now 3 years later we are still happy even with required upgrades and renovations.

    Good Luck!!