As mentioned you will find a very small choice in short DPs under 30'. We have never been in a CG where we could not fit and we have been doing this since 1969. We can carry on normal conversation with our front engine gasser. The ride is also comfortable. You are going to have to spend a lot of time looking at various MHs. They are not all the same with different prices. I have a top end gasser and it has insulation that is not in cheaper MHs, double pane glass for insulation and also quiet, ducted AC that means we can carry on conversation with the AC running, and solid wood cabinets that don't have peeling wood decals. I have also found that having a 27' MH did not let me get into some of the tourist areas. They would provide parking in some cases but the RVs weren't welcome in the towns. Bar Harbor, ME, and Niagara on the Lake in Ontario are 2 that come to mind. A Class A will give better storage in lower compartments while a C will have sleeping accomodations over the cab. That area is also where you will read about all of the leaks on the C forum.