Forum Discussion

rrunner's avatar
Jul 09, 2021

Shower door rollers

Our shower has the curved door panels that have upper rollers with dual plastic wheels. One of the wheels has broken and during ride, the roller popped out of the track. Aside from finding a new dual wheel roller, Do I need to remove the top rail to re-install the roller.

  • FOUND the exact shower door roller assembly. They can be ordered from which is out of New Jersey. The item is: Shower Door Roller Assembly, round doot code: 10-071 price is $12.75 each plus shipping. USA postal is %5.95 and Fed Ex was around $62.

    In case anyone else is looking for this shower roller.
  • I have sent an email to Thor to see if they can help. Saw some rollers on Ebay but not identical.
  • We and the same kind of shower door. trying to find rollers was always a problem. once I found some at Menards and bought all they had. Never found any again. finally removed the door and installed this, happy with it.