Forum Discussion

Surviver76's avatar
Nov 20, 2017

Skoolie Section? Is There One on RV.Net?

I'll admit that I only skimmed the headings but if there is a "Skoolie" section, can somebody point me to it...
I did find This Site
which looks good if anyone is interested...
  • The header at the top of the page for this section has a link to "Conversion Buses". Many of the vehicles in the section are conversions of Greyhound and other inter-city vehicles, but there are some school bus conversions listed. It's not an RV type I'm interested in, so I don't visit that sub-section very often.
  • Surviver,

    There is another forum IRV2 and they have a "Bus Conversion" section. It does look more like 4106 and MCI, but there might be help there.

  • Probably the closest in these forums would be under the Technical Resources area: Do it yourself modification and towing. At the top right of the page, click on the drop down box that says, "Jump to Fourm" Select the Technical Resources and then the Do it yourself... selection in that drop-down list, then select "Go".