Forum Discussion

jtwiley's avatar
Jul 12, 2015

slide out stops on one side on way out

We have a 2008 monaco camelot , we got to the campground today and tried to put the road front slide out and it started fine then the back half stoped and the front kept going out. we pulled it back in and tried again but same problem. Any idea why one side would stop. its been fine at the first three campgrounds. any help greatly appr.
  • jtwiley wrote:
    It has two hydraulic cylinders, the rear one stops after going out about 6 inches. I have looked but cant seem to see anything jamming it up but it is hard to seethe back half of slide. The shaft still looks intact. I h ave tried to push it but it seems to be solid when it stops. Thanks for the help.

    Do you know if it is HWH Slide system? IF you have HWH jacks, the odds are it is a HWH slide system. The Hyd systems have 3000 psi, so there must be a solenoid or a cylinder seal failure. Doug
  • It has two hydraulic cylinders, the rear one stops after going out about 6 inches. I have looked but cant seem to see anything jamming it up but it is hard to seethe back half of slide. The shaft still looks intact. I h ave tried to push it but it seems to be solid when it stops. Thanks for the help.
  • If you have a mechanical slide and not hydraulic, check your linkages on the slide mechanism...accessible underneath, usually in the basement bins. Mine has a single motor attached to two square rods with bolts, extending to either end of the slide and finally attached to the gear that drives the slide. I had the exact same problem as you describe and the bolt on the linkage had sheared off. They are grade 8 sure to replace with the same. You might have to search around a little to find them as not every hardware store carries them.

    Remedy to make sure it doesn't happen again? Frequently check the tightness of each of the bolts on the linkage. As they get loose, it allows slop in the linkage and eventually will shear the bolt.
  • we have friends who had a bolt on one of their slides sheer off. I would check the bolts on both sides of the slide.
  • Look underneath in the road side storage compartment. You probably have a Powergear electric slide system. There are 2-1 inch square steel driveshafts that connect to the slide motor. Odds are the REAR driveshaft, the 1/4 inch bolt has sheared and that does not allow the motor to turn the rear mechanism. Have someone operate the room while you watch. Doug
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    Is it the end near the driver's seat or the other probably next to the refer? Most Monaco driver side LR slides are powered by two hydraulic cylinders inside a 2x4" rectangular tube at the bottom that supports the weight of the slide. With it out as far as it will go I would look at the end of this tube to see if the bolts are tight and that the slide has not gotten out of adjustment there on the one that stops. Are there skid marks on the bottom of the slide on that end indicating that end is lower than it should be.
    It bothers me that it went from good to bad in one stop. Did something fall down and get behind the slide on the inside... easy to see behind the drive's seat, almost impossible on the other end. Have you tried helping/pushing on the bad end?
    Good Luck.
  • You may need to provide more information such as what powers the slideout? Is it electric or hydraulic? Who makes it? Is your topper working correctly? Is something jamming it such as a loose item on the floor? If it has more than one electric motor they could be out of sync causing the jam?