Glad 4x4 mentioned weight and pressure. Great place to start, and I got down the mechanical trail, I guess because that's where the topic started. Excess REAR tire pressure will just make the ride worse. Excess FRONT pressure will let it wander.
A neighbor worked for a scale company and brought a portable scale home, so I got to weigh all four corners of the '83 E350. Been so long ago I imagine I adjusted tire pressure, but I also remember the rig was pretty close to max. We had 8.75R16.5D tires on it, so max pressure was but 65PSI. Front axle weight could have been close to that. If the '88 has 16" wheels and 225/75R16E, anything over about 60 is probably too much. If somebody looked at the sidewall and saw "80-PSI Maximum" and aired up to that, it's WAY too much.