You could put a large solar panel across your leaking section of roof. Then use something to tie the solar panel to the roof, so that water will not get under the panel to the roof.
SunElec.comThey had a 140 watt solar panel on sale for $229 recently. It is 12 volts. You can use a very low cost PWM controller with a 12 volt panel, but would require a more expensive MPPT controller with 25+ volt panels.
For mounts, I have used 6" long 2" angle aluminum from Home Depot. This keeps the panel about 1" above the roof, for cooling. The cooler the panel is, the more power it can make.
My RV used about 35 AH daily to run the CO meter, propane detector and refrigerator. This is about what one of the 120 watt panels that I have will make in one day.
You might try to patch your leak with washing the roof, spray on contact cement, then cover with a sheet of plastic. 6 mil plastic about 8' square might work well?
Good luck,