myface wrote:
All fuse are under the dashboard. My electric mirror do not work. I was looking for the fuse and found today. Thank you Winnebago for the confusion - next time hide better.
I think there are two competitions at vehicle manufacturers and RV body builders as well
One is "How well can we hide it" (See this thread)
The other is "how can we make it hard to service"
1970 Ford or GM Heater core replacement
Manual says "Drain the cooling system" (Most just hemostat the heater hoses)
Disconnect heater hose from core
Remove about a dozen screws from cover. life cover, pad and core. Install new or rebulit core. replace pad, cover and screws, re-attach hoses and top off cooling system. takes almost as long to do as it does to type it out.
Today's Evacuate the air conditioner system and disconnect lines at fire wall an seal off.. Again drain cooling system (or hemostat).
Dissassemble passanger side of dash (most cars read on for Renault)
Slide A/C evaporator out on it's rails and lift heater core out from behind it.
Renault alliance: Remove steering column (the heater core is between the driver's legs... Or was in the past)
I'm sure some engineer won awards for making it so much harder to do.