Jim Norman wrote:
Attending Camp Freightliner this week. They will be doing the Service on my rig while I am in class. I will be obtaining a set of spares to carry. I figure the things that are easily fixed IF you have the right parts are Filters and Belts. I will have a set. when i do the next service, we'll use them and I'll put new in storage. I already carry a tool kit, wire, fuses, tape, hose clamps and patch tape. It isn't like the old days an a naturally aspirated Chevy, you could fix just about any problem yourself and get home. I figure if I stall due to a clogged filter or I break a belt, having them shuold make the repair much more likely in a short time frame. If I have a major issue, nothing I carry is likely to help. That is where planned maintenance comes in. If you plan your maintenance and you follow through and DO your maintenance then the incidence of breakdown should diminish greatly.
So I have now been to Freightliner. There is a LOT TO LEARN. SO one item or two I'll be adding to my spares; I will be carrying a gallon of diesel, unless I can get a hose down into the tank. If I need for some reason to change a filter, having fuel to fill the new filter is important. I am also getting a vacuum sealer. Filters and belts do better stored in a air tight vacuum package.
What else regarding maintenance? DO IT! Cummins recommends annual service regardless of mileage. Certain things age. So regardless of whether I have gone 5000 or 15000 miles I will get my rig serviced at a one year interval. Some I can do my self, An oil change is GALLONS of waste oil, so I may have that done, but inspection I can do, Changing a fuel filter and water separator, I can do, Inspecting or lubing brakes and links? Not likely. Not having my own shop makes a lot of this less and less DIY, especially as I age. That all said, Plan your Maintenance and then DO IT!