leggy wrote:
I'm confused, my family owns many school buses and they pretty much sit still most of the summer. All weight is on the tires and never noticed flat spots and I would assume we are talking about basically the same tires. Maybe motorhomes weigh more but I think it's a lot of worry about nothing.
School buses are generally stored pretty light and that helps a lot. Also, I like to put out a slide and the first step in my coach is to level it so putting down the jacks is an automatic part of leveling. It has been 20 years but the quality manager at Michelin told me parking an RV with weight on the tires was one of the worst things that you can do to a tire.
dramsey1 wrote:
I'm no expert but I was told not to store my motorhome with the jacks down. Apparently if exposed to the air long enough the jack rods can develop a rust coating which can destroy the seals when they are raised and cause hydraulic fluid leaks. I plan to replace my tires every 5-7 years anyway.
My owners manual says to spray the jacks with light oil from time to time, plus they are well shielded from rain anyway. Interestingly the manual for the brakes says not to park the coach with the parking brake on or they might stick. I have not found a good option and they have stuck a few times.