Forum Discussion

Ivylog's avatar
Explorer III
Feb 08, 2017

Strange intermittent ignition electrical problem, 04 Dynasty

I've previously posted about two engine problems I've had in the last year. First was a blown fuse on the ignition board in the back run box shutting the engine down while moving... never could determine what caused it and I put a auto reset 20 amp 12V breaker on it.

At the end of a trip last summer the engine would not shut off because of a blown diode on the BIRD board back feeding the ignition circuit. I replaced the diode and all was well until 10 days ago.

Pulled into a shopping center and when I put the tranny in neutral the engine shut off and would not restart... would not even try and turn over. Because the lift pump would not run (this was the key to solving the first problem) I went to the back run box and found that the 7.5 amp fuse on the BIRD board was blown. Put another auto reset breaker in but still no 12V/lights on the ignition board and no lift pump. Using a test light I found I had power to the input of the auto reset breaker I put in (first problem) and when I touched it's output with the key turned on; the lights came on, the lift pump ran, and the engine would start.

This has now happened three times when I hit N but fortunately NOT every time I put the tranny in neutral. I'm at a lose to what is common to putting the tranny in neutral and the ignition circuit. Also, why testing the output of the circuit breaker powers the system up. I am going to replace it with a normal fuse and see if the problem goes away. I welcome any help/suggestions on this intermittent problem.
  • You may have answered your own question. It would seem that the problem is with the board, possibly a bad solder joint, or the connection at the fuse. As you know, these problems are rather hard to find.
    Good luck