If your plan is most often accomodating 2 adults, stay away from the huge over-cab bed. If you regularly accomodate 4 people, then definitely get that huge bed.
For just my wife and myself, we love our
Phoenix Cruiser that can be seen by clicking
Here. They are built well for the money paid, and they are offered in 9 different floorplans that range from 21 to 31 feet, and 3 different chassis, E350, E450, and Sprinter. They are built in Elkhart, Indiana with shipping to your front door negotiated. They accomodate customer deviations and adjust the price accordingly, most often at cost. All models are offered with or without slide outs, some with as many as 3.
Phoenix USA is a privately owned company. They don't answer to stock holders so their business practices are very personal and accomodating. They have been building motor homes for at least 15 years. Ours is 6 years old now and all is well.