Forum Discussion

10forty2's avatar
Aug 04, 2014

Suggestions on Replacement Window

One of the double-pane windows on my driver's door had apparently lost the seal before I bought the coach and is fogged up between the panes. Not uncommon for double-pane glass, but I need to replace it since the foggy area is between me and the sideview mirror.

Would a standard automotive glass place be able to replace it or is that something that an RV service center would have to do?
  • I suspect your windows were manufactured by Atwood.
    If you intend to do the work yourself.
    You can buy directly from the OEM by calling
    Sue Phillips at Atwood, 574-266-4829.
    She is very helpful.

  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    Last year I had two windows that needed repair the passenger window near the door top glass had water in it and the window in the living area galley side . I bought David Root's repair kit, since I was not near his repair shop in Oregon. In order to get the correct glass spacer you have to measure the thickness of the two panes of glass. The kit had window spacing, window cleaner, flat blades gloves, scuff pads, sealant. Everything needed except for cordless drill, and the suggested cordless caulking gun (definitely needed to apply the thicker sealant). I don't know if here is a right place to tell you the steps. All windows that I have repaired to date total of 4 have remained sealed...I bought the three window kit
  • Fleet Man wrote:
    Check locally, there is usually at least one glass shop in the area that services the local RV dealerships.

    Thanks!!! I'll check into that! Greensboro is only about an hour from us, so that would be VERY convenient.

    I've also checked with an RV/Camping service center near us...waiting to hear back from them.

    **EDIT** I located and made contact with the place in Greensboro, NC in case anyone is in the vicinity and needs the services. They replace, rebuild and/or repair RV glass. I think I'll try them when I can be without the coach for a few days while they do the repair. Their website is:
  • Check locally, there is usually at least one glass shop in the area that services the local RV dealerships.
  • There is a place in Greensboro, NC that does thermopane window repairs. They do RV's, buses, etc. We had planned to use them but while traveling had four windows de-fogged at RV Fog Doctor in Searcy, AR.

    An RV dealer in NC that used to sell Country Coach motorhome recommended them.
  • I have used the Suncoast window repair in Hudson Fl. and they were fantastic. I called and made a reservation. They have electrical and water hookups. When they take your windows out they cover the opening to keep the elements out. The price was very reasonable. We have a very large window in 4 parts. We saw all makes and models including three Prevost being repaired while we were there. If you plan on going out to eat you will need a car or call a taxi. If you have a place at home to store your rv you can remove the window and send it to them.
  • Depends on how much the replacement might be worth the trip to Florida to get it repaired. I was also referred to a company that specializes in RV glass...

    Might give them a call as well.
  • There are facilities that are able to redo the glass you presently have.
    I know of none near you.
  • 10forty2 wrote:
    One of the double-pane windows on my driver's door had apparently lost the seal before I bought the coach and is fogged up between the panes. Not uncommon for double-pane glass, but I need to replace it since the foggy area is between me and the sideview mirror.

    Would a standard automotive glass place be able to replace it or is that something that an RV service center would have to do?

    Watch this, I have heard good things and will go this route this fall.

    U-Tube Sun Coast Design