Forum Discussion

CWDoc115's avatar
Feb 22, 2017

Thermostat issues

1999 Winnebago Adventurer 32T
Thermostat is a Coleman Mach

Thermostat started having problems over the weekend. The AC will not work, neither will the heater but the fan works fine.

Anyone have the problem & what was the cure?

Thanks in advance for your help! :h
  • The air conditioner fan on (and fan speed) switch doesn't need power to operate. The rest of the thermostat functions probably do. I would check the 12V supply and ground at the thermostat (which would be two of the wires from the air conditioner).
  • I checked the breakers, they seem fine. The heater does not work, & the fan in the overhead AC unit will work when the Tstat is set to fan, but when the switch is moved to AC it shuts down. I'm totally confused....
  • Go over everything from power outlet, breakers, and plug ins (is it plugged or hard wired?) Then gently pull the t-stat and verify wires.
  • Did you check all fuses and circuit breakers?
    Was there some event just prior to it quit working?
  • CWDoc115 wrote:
    Anyone have the problem & what was the cure?

    With mine...I pulled the t-stat and noticed a wire was broken at a spade connection that hooks on the back.