Sondi wrote:
Keep them coming. This is exactly the kind of help I was looking for.
Rain gear, not needed often but when it is pouring and you have a time limit on check out it saves driving in or changing clothes after unhook and hooking up toad.
Long handle window washer. Cooking stuff, crock pot for those days you will be out and want a meal when you get back. Awning lights and bug screens if you will be sitting outside. Plastic table clothes for picnic tables they are filthy. As are CG grills, I never use them I carry a small charcoal and a small gas grill, I want to know a rat or some foul deed was not done to the grill I am using to cook my steaks on. Tin foil, trash bags leave the area cleaner than when you arrived. Make a list, Oh, one of those woven string baskets for over your table, put fruit in it the fruit will last longer and looks nice, so my wife tells me. We also use bottled water for consumption and cooing, not because of a fear of local water but for consistent taste. I hate the taste of many well waters I find them hard and not palatable. We buy a 3 gallon container and use it for all ingested means. Learn to take a Navy shower, teach your wife also. If not on full hookups. Your grey tank will fill rapidly and off to the dump you go twice a day of 4 showers taken normal leisurely way.
Have fun, even the learning curve is fun. Makes some good conversations to admit you forgot to bring food. We took off one day and upon stopping for night discovered wifey had removed all food from MH and forgotten to put it back. We found one can of Vienna Sausage but we still laugh at our fine dinner in Flintstone Md.