RB414921 wrote:
Just saying that’s what I’ve been doing with the original tires and they lasted nine years before we saw any little crack starting to form that’s why I bought the new tires so it seems like whatever I’ve been doing seems to be working any comments on that.
I not want to sound negative but it appears you came in and asked a very good question but don't like the answers. The tire pressure stamped on the side of the tires is the COLD tire maximum rating. If you choose to inflate to max pressure when the tires are cold then you do not need to adjust the pressure down while or after driving. Yes, the pressure will be higher but that's what the tire manufacturer expects and why the pressure rating is there. The following morning the pressure will have dropped back to the cold pressure and you will be good to go the next day.
If you lower the pressure to the cold rating while the tire is hot the next day, after the tire cools, your tire pressure will be too low and you would need to reinflate before leaving.