OhhWell wrote:
I use my cell phone in a window mount. It works pretty well.
As for the debate about removing the SD etc if you are at fault:
How about we accept responsibility for our mistakes? That's what we have insurance for after all. I know I probably sound too preachy and lawyers add a whole other layer but really, accept responsibility if it turns out it was your fault.
That being said, I don't know how they would prove you were using your cell phone as a camera and not a GPS or anything else at that.
I agree.
As a former insurance claim adjuster, I would have loved to have had a video camera in some claims to determine fault. If my insured was at fault, I wanted to pay for the claimants damages and if my insured was not at fault, I would have loved to have had proof. Too many times it's he said, she said and each pays for their own when one party was actually at fault. If you screw up, take responsibility.
We have a camera on order. It cost about $60. It's a DVR 207. It had good reviews. It should arrive today. It is small and we'll use it between our MH and the toad.