Based on your other posts, it looks like you don't have the MH yet and are still shopping. So this sounds like a general MH towing capacity question. Unfortunately the answer isn't general. It's very specific to the specs of the individual MH. Looks like you have come from a FW, so in terms you are familiar with, it would be like asking if you can tow a FW with a gas truck. The answer of course depends on the truck. A super duty - yes, a ranger - no.
Tow capacity is the LESSER of the hitch rating OR the MH's weight loaded for travel (food, water, clothes, people, gear) minus the GCWR. Lots of people are surprised to find their tow capacity is so low they can't tow a car at all despite having a 5k hitch.
Example, a MH loaded for travel weighs 19k. The GCWR is 23k. It has a 5k hitch. You can only tow 4k, because doing the math, your capacity is the lesser despite having a 5k hitch.
So, to answer your question you would need to know the year, make and model.
As you have seen, folks will chime in what they are towing with theirs. Doesn't mean anything really unless you have the exact same model.
Towing capacity is a math problem, not a one size fits all.