Forum Discussion

Medicine_Man1's avatar
Mar 24, 2014

Trailer brakes

My Gulfstream Endura has a round, 7 element plug on the back. Does that mean it has trailer brakes? I bought a car hauler with electric brakes. Will they just plug up?
  • The Endura will be wired for lights. But will not have wire for brake controller. The Kodiak chassis motorhome should not have the brake controller wired to the brake pedal switch. Here is a link to Bulletin 66. The wires called out in the bulletin are on inside of passenger side frame rail. At about rear end of passenger step.
  • It could just mean it is wired for a brake controller, and all you have to do is plug, and play.
  • With the 7 element plug you can have also round pin or flat blade connections.
  • 7 prong plug means it is capable of powering electric trailer brakes...Whether they are wired up is another thing. Do you have a brake controller in the Gulfstream?