I think the M1 is a class 7 and the M2 is a heavy duty chassis and a class 8....I could be wrong.
I'm hoping that as the market grows for truck conversions....and it is....that these resorts will realize they are every bit as nice as MOST of the class A coaches that go to the resorts. I never understood why this problem exists. My coach MSRP is north of $500K yet the guy next to me in his 8 year old gasser that is maybe $50-60K is allowed and I am not.
I do enjoy occasionally going to a real full service resort such as the class A only are..not all the time...but every now and then on a trip we want to splurge. When we go to Florida we stay mainly at campgrounds that accept just about any motorhomes and fifth wheels but when we go to Naples each year we enjoy the signature resort to spoil ourselves for a couple of weeks.
I've seen many of the "white box" conversions there each year. Haulmark's, Renegades, showhaulers ect.....Last year, we had what looked like a home made big white box truck parked right next to a prevost........Can't we all just get along....LOL