Our motorhome is our home, but we also have a small cottage in upstate NY near our kids that we visit from time to time. We have Dish satellite TV service with two Hopper w/Sling multi-tuner DVR receivers, one we keep in the motorhome and one we leave in the cottage, both on the same account. The cottage has its own permanent dish, and we carry a portable dish in the motorhome. With the two Sling equipped receivers, we can record programming at the cottage that we would miss while underway, and watch it later in the motorhome using the Dish "Dish Anywhere" app. When we visit the cottage, we just hook up to the dish there, and both Hoppers can see everything recorded on either one. The only downside is that when we change our service address while on the road to get the current locals, the cottage Hopper looses its satellite locals. The cottage does get the locals over the air though, so it's not really a problem.