Forum Discussion

sloman2001's avatar
Sep 26, 2015

Valterra Water Regulator A01-1114VP

This water regulator is set to deliver 50-55 psi rather than the more standard 40-50 psi, just a slight increase but an increase none the less. Has anyone used these and have an opinion on it? Note this is not a variable regulator.

I'm just trying to improve the water flow into my RV in general.

Thanks, Tom
  • Thank you!!! You guys are amazing and have given me somewhere to start.

    I'll take any other suggestions!!!!

    Thanks again!
  • The Valterra IS adjustable. There is a small screw that adjusts the pressure. I also have a Watts but I like the size and weight of the Valterra better....Dennis

    If you can't find the screw, let me know and I'll take a picture...D

    On edit: I just pulled up the regulator you were talking about. Yeah! those are not adjustable, are better than nothing but get yourself a decent regulator. It's not like you're investing a lot considering how often you will replace it...Dennis

    This is the one I have and thought you were talking about...

  • Have used that pressure regulator for many years, with no problems. The pressure and flow is good. I do check the screen on the washer. I also occasionally change it out for a new one. Probably not necessary it's just my thing.
  • I am using the:
    Fairview 55 psi inline
    from the water filter store which works like the one you are looking at. It has been working very well for me.
  • 50-55 PSI should be OK in a 2014 Winne. Pex is used now and is good for that pressure and more. I took a pressure reading from my pump when rig was new (2008) and got 53 PSI and good flow.

    If you are using a filter (screen) type washer on your water inlet check it for blockage. The full house filter too. Also, shut off valves and "Y" fittings on your hose can restrict the flow.(small hole in ball valve) The inlet check valve can be a problem. (Even on a new rig. Winne uses plastic valves)

    I have seen people using shut off and "Y" fittings, hose filter, screen washer and full house filter and getting almost no flow. Remember, pressure and flow are not the same. Restrictions in your line will reduce flow but not pressure (When water is not being used, pressure will build up to whatever city or RV park is set at.) That is why we all use regulators. I have seen RV park pressure as high as 160 PSI.
  • Get one of the Watts whole house regulators from the RV Water Filter Store and you will be much happier, even though a little lighter in the wallet. These are the same ones used at homes but have the water hose fittings installed.