Forum Discussion

jgonzales11's avatar
May 29, 2015

Water heater temperature/pressure release valve

30' 1990 Fleetwood, Pace Arrow:

I need to replace the pressure release valve on my water heater. The one in there now is a 1/2" with a 4" probe. I ordered that, but CAMCO has packaged their valves wrong and even though the box says it's a 4" probe it's actually a 3" probe. I'm tired of ordering replacements and getting the same thing, so I'm wondering if there would be any safety issue installing a 1/2" valve with a 3" probe even though the one being replaced has a 4" probe. Please advise.

  • Look down one shelf below the 3/4 inch ones at Home Depot or Lowes. That's where they hide them.
  • Gosh, if only I had thought of that, Dennis. ;) ((Home Depot, as well as Big R and Lowes, etc., only carries the 3/4".))

    @ Dutch_12078: Thanks so much for the great info!
  • The 3" probe TPR is interchangeable with the 4" probe. The only requirement is that the probe be immersed in the top 6" of water, and that's a tank design criteria. The last time I bought a TPR, the store had two different brands in the same bin, one with a 3" probe, the other with a 3.75" probe. 3 to 4 inch TPR probes are standard in most installations. 8" probes are used in top port installations where no side port is available, and 1" probes are sometimes used in small under-counter point of use heaters.