Forum Discussion

Georgia_Cracker's avatar
Nov 07, 2016

water want stop running in toilet

The water runs in the toilet when the water pump is on or connected to shore water. Any suggestion on what the problem is?
  • Fleet Man wrote:
    Until I could get a water valve to repair mine when it was leaking, I picked up a ball valve shut off valve and two "shark" fitting connectors at Home Depot to install in the water line behind the toilet to control the flow.

    We had one toilet water valve fail years ago, and ever since then I've installed an inline shut off valve for the toilet every time we've bought another RV. Maybe that's why we haven't had another failure to date? :B
  • Until I could get a water valve to repair mine when it was leaking, I picked up a ball valve shut off valve and two "shark" fitting connectors at Home Depot to install in the water line behind the toilet to control the flow.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    Old-Biscuit wrote:

    The toilet water supply assembly (water valve) is leaking thru.
    Replace it and solve the problem

    Just fixed mine

  • JumboJet wrote:
    The water valve on my SeaLand toilet with stick (rotating valve) and the dump valve would be shut.

    A replacement water valve is about $50. A replacement toilet was $280.

    I have a nicer new toilet.

    Even worse than that, the replacement part is all plastic where as the original was a nicely made brass part.
  • Depending on the toilet make, we had issues with ours doing it and it seemed the sprayer hose had somehow gotten mis-routed and not allowing the pedal to fully lift up thus keeping the water dribbling into the bowl. Re-routed the hose away from foot pedal, no more issues. Sometimes it's the simplest things.
  • Thetford's stick too. They can make a real unpleasant night when the toilet overflows all over the floor. Had that on our last rig.
  • The water valve on my SeaLand toilet with stick (rotating valve) and the dump valve would be shut.

    A replacement water valve is about $50. A replacement toilet was $280.

    I have a nicer new toilet.
  • YES....

    The toilet water supply assembly (water valve) is leaking thru.
    Replace it and solve the problem