m188265 wrote:
Thanks for all of the advice. I heard from the dealer yesterday evening, my coach is now ready. They and to order and replace a relay to fix the charging problem. Not sure why they didn't check this before letting it sit waiting for a slide part. At any rate, I will soon pick it up. Someone mentioned asking to get the warranty extended. I had thought about that, what are the odds of that happening? The warranty comes from Thor, not the dealer, correct?
Actually all you may need to do is have an attorney remind the selling dealer of Illinois Lemon laws. Here is the link:
Illinois new vehicle lawsHere are some excerpts from the law and who it applies to:
"New vehicle" means a passenger car, as defined in Section 1-157 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, a motor vehicle of the Second Division having a weight of under 8,000 pounds, as defined in Section 1-146 of that Code, a vehicle purchased by a fire department, a fire protection district, or a township fire department,
and a recreational vehicle, except for a camping trailer or travel trailer that does not qualify under the definition of a used motor vehicle, as set forth in Section 1-216 of that Code.
(815 ILCS 380/3) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 1203)
Sec. 3. Failure of vehicle to conform; remedies; presumptions.
(a) If after a reasonable number of attempts the seller is unable to conform the new vehicle to any of its applicable express warranties, the manufacturer shall either provide the consumer with a new vehicle of like model line, if available, or otherwise a comparable motor vehicle as a replacement, or accept the return of the vehicle from the consumer and refund to the consumer the full purchase price or lease cost of the new vehicle, including all collateral charges, less a reasonable allowance for consumer use of the vehicle.
(2) the vehicle has been out of service by reason of
repair of nonconformities for a total of 30 or more business days during the statutory warranty period.
In any case, the next step is yours. Apparently you do have legal recourse according to Illinois law. At the vaery least you should be able to get a warranty extension. Every state has different lemon laws so what works in Illinois does not necessarily mean that it is the same in another state. In many states, recreational vehicles are not covered.