I strongly recommend you look up the MSDS for the additive you swear by, then look up the MSDS for that additive you swear at!
It is very likely you will find that ALL additives are made up of naphtha and light machine oil, mostly naphtha!
How much "lubricity" do you think 4 or 8 ounces of light machine oil (sewing machine oil, 3 in 1 oil, etc.) added to 40 or 50 gallons of diesel fuel REALLY adds to the fuel?
The ONLY additive I use is Sta-Bil in my gasoline. So far, it seems to be working for me. Oh, wait, I did run three bottles of "injector cleaner" through my present truck. It may have done some good, I'm not sure.
When I had a diesel truck, I used additives once, to prevent gelling of summer fuel when it dropped to below freezing. Once I got it running, I filled with winter fuel and never put another additive in. The truck had 276,000+ when I let it go.
Some of the MSDS that you look up will say the ingredients are "proprietary information" IMO, that means they are afraid you will mix it up in your garage from readily available ingredients. They want you to buy their little bottles, not mix it in gallon lots!