Forum Discussion

MNawman's avatar
Oct 21, 2015

Winterizing motor home engine

Hey guys I have a 2014 Entegra with a 450 hp Cummins that I'm getting ready to winterize and put in storage for 5 months. I will fill the gas tank and I run the gen for 2 hrs, check batteries, and drive it for 30 min once a month. My question is should I put any additives in the fuel and/or oil? I live in Albuquerque NM so the temps will be moderate but will drop below freezing at night. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

  • Put mine to bed last week but I believe the Onan manual states to start it with load a hour per month. Still working on venting the exhaust out of the garage.
  • I like the way farmers do it on their equipment that can last 30-40 years.
    "Disconnect the battery, coffee can over exhaust and walk away"
  • Store with fuel tank FULL.

    Additives: If storing diesel fuel for more than three months, add a BIOCIDE. Biobor JF is a common brand.

    If storing summer grade diesel/#2 diesel into below freezing temperatures, add an anti-gel. Walmart carries PS brand anti-gel.
  • Once to sleep let it sleep is the best advice for any diesel motor. Driving at 30 minutes I doubt will bring both the engine and trans. up to full operating temps and this is a lot worse then just letting it sleep. I'm up her in NY where last winter temps reach -26 for several nights and I we do is let it sleep till spring.
  • You can add a Winter/water additive to the fuel but there should be nothing else necessary.
    It is also not necessary to run the genset or the coach for the entire Winter season. Just let it sit and start it up in the Spring. You won't do any harm as long as you run the genset under load and actually drive the coach long enough for everything to come up to temp, it's just not necessary.