Several part answer:
1-3 Inches if you are in a class A with 22.5" tirs is a "light dusting" for a car with 14" tires. BUT... It is still slippery at speed. so SLOW DOWN.
Second: While the snow is falling and visiblilty is limited you need to slow down even more,, in fact the one time I was in such a position (About 4-6" total) I slowed all the way down.. Found a rest area where I could spend the night and continued on in the AM after the roads had been cleared.
THIS is the best advice.. If the snow gets too white and scary PARK for the night. NOTE you will need to protect some systems. like the ice maker.. TURN off the water supply disconnect the line from the shut off valve (if outside) and cycle the thing to drain the solenoid, cost me a new solenoid.
Oh, next morning at breakfast (local diner to lot, walking distance local) I was watching TV... News was all about all the cars in the ditch... Yup, they were not kidding, not at all, they were lining the ditches starting about 1/2 mile north of where I parked.