Forum Discussion

pconroy328's avatar
Mar 30, 2015

Wow! Tires...

A little searching shows just how controversial this topic can be.

So I need *one* for sure, and may buy two to keep the same tread depth on the fronts. Going on a Class C Motorhome, but a small one - 21'.

I'm struggling to understand that if I match the size, and load range (LT225/75-16 "E") from a tire vendor, is that good enough?

Commercial rated tires seem to be much different from non-commercial ones, is that right?

I know I could just cheese out and re-buy whatever was on there (Uniroyal Laredos) but I'd like to learn more about motorhome tires. Besides, what if the guy before me, who bought the tires, bought the wrong ones? :)

I suppose I could just put my faith in the guys at Discount Tire...