Latest report: My brother and I took the Bounder out for a 30 mile road trip today, after putting in 3 bottles of Heat, sufficient for the amount of gas in the tank, to dry up any potential water that was there... it never hiccuped once the entire time we were out. We tested it on both OD and manually taking OD off. Since we were unable to reproduce the same symptoms that occurred in the rainy weather, I am concluding it was the moisture that was causing the problem, just like so many of you suspected!
It took several attempts to get the generator to stay running (with a load), but after our road test, it did. Perhaps there was some more water in the line to that. I'm sure it needs a tune-up as it was running a little rough even so.
If you will indulge me with asking another question. I am trying to get some extensions on the dual rear wheels for checking and maintaining the tires for proper air pressure. The way the tires are placed, the valve stems are impossible to get to, both inner tires and outside. What do you have to do to get the hub caps off, or do they come off at all? What about the bolt covers and center of the hub? My brother and I have tried to crow-bar them off, but they seem stuck from the center. Tricks? Something we're missing?
Thank you for the welcome, by the way! You guys rock!!!