Forum Discussion

dpgllg's avatar
Jun 19, 2019

BBQ Baby Back Ribs using an Instant Pot questions


Has anyone made BBQ ribs in an Instant Pot? We are heading out with a small group over the 4th and a request for ribs has been made.

I just have a Weber Baby Q grill but we also have an Instant Pot. I made pulled pork in the Instant Pot and it took less than an hour and was delicious. I know that the Instant pot will cook them but should I brown them first on the grill or after cooking in Instant Pot?

  • blownstang01 wrote:
    I do it all the time and they come out awesome. Instant pot with water and apple cider vinegar plus any seasonings you like, cook high pressure for 25 minutes. Tender but still on the bone, finish on grill with your favorite sauce.
    Also, cook them on Trivet so they don't sit in the liquid. said above cook for 25 min in the IP. Here's a recipe if you'd like:
  • I do it all the time and they come out awesome. Instant pot with water and apple cider vinegar plus any seasonings you like, cook high pressure for 25 minutes. Tender but still on the bone, finish on grill with your favorite sauce.
    Also, cook them on Trivet so they don't sit in the liquid.
  • Can the instapot be used as a keep-warm and serve device? At my local grocer they sell pre-cooked ribs for the same cost as raw. Buy a few racks and toss em in your pressure cooker to reheat for a few minutes and serve?
  • I predict a pile of bare bones and a pile of pulled pork looking rib meat.

    After some experimentation you MIGHT learn to cook adequate ribs in a pc but I doubt it.

    If you want something foolproof and want to use a pc do a chicken or country ribs or a boneless butt.
  • Precook in the insta pot then finish on the grill with sauce. Just be sure not to pre cook to the point that they fall apart before grilling or it will be difficult.
  • GordonThree wrote:
    Skip the pressure cooker and use the Weber. Try the hot and fast method, works good for baby backs.

    Build a hot pile of coal on one side of the grill.

    Peel off the silver skin, rub down with oil, salt, pepper, no sugar or sugary rubs yet!

    Clean and oil the grill top, slap the rack of ribs down, cover, come back 20 minutes later, flip, cover again for 20 minutes.

    In the mean time, prepare a piece of HD al-foil large enough to wrap the rack with

    Make a boat with the foil, put the ribs in, add a bit of beer, cider, apple juice, whatever, and close up the boat

    Move boat to cooler side of grill, cover and let cook for at least an hour. Turn the boat 180 deg maybe 30 minutes later so the other side faces the coals.

    When you can't take it any more, open up the boat. Two choices, make your own sauce from the contents of the boat, or use a canned sauce.


    My Weber Baby Q is a propane grill not a charcoal. I'm also due to scheduling conflicts looking to shorten the cook time. Max cook time in an Instant Pot is 25 minutes.

  • Skip the pressure cooker and use the Weber. Try the hot and fast method, works good for baby backs.

    Build a hot pile of coal on one side of the grill.

    Peel off the silver skin, rub down with oil, salt, pepper, no sugar or sugary rubs yet!

    Clean and oil the grill top, slap the rack of ribs down, cover, come back 20 minutes later, flip, cover again for 20 minutes.

    In the mean time, prepare a piece of HD al-foil large enough to wrap the rack with

    Make a boat with the foil, put the ribs in, add a bit of beer, cider, apple juice, whatever, and close up the boat

    Move boat to cooler side of grill, cover and let cook for at least an hour. Turn the boat 180 deg maybe 30 minutes later so the other side faces the coals.

    When you can't take it any more, open up the boat. Two choices, make your own sauce from the contents of the boat, or use a canned sauce.

  • Unless you get extremely lucky, the chances of them staying together after the insta pot is pretty slim. If you were by chance lucky, a thin brush of sauce and finish on the grill would be nice. I don't see any advantage in browning them first.
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