May-29-2021 05:51 PM
Jun-11-2021 08:27 PM
Jun-11-2021 05:07 PM
Jun-11-2021 04:14 AM
Jun-10-2021 05:19 PM
Jun-10-2021 05:05 PM
Jun-10-2021 10:57 AM
Jun-10-2021 10:53 AM
vermilye wrote:
I suspect Spectrum is doing something similar with their cable data service. If I'm using my phone to listen to an on line radio station, as I walk down my rural street, and I go by my neighbor's houses, the phone switches to WiFi. As I hit empty spaces between homes, it switches to cell service, then as I hit the next home, back to WiFi.
Since there is no data limits with Spectrum it doesn't cost anyone anything, but I do wonder how it works since I never signed up to provide WiFi to others. Am I imagining this?
Jun-10-2021 09:29 AM
Jun-09-2021 04:02 PM
Jun-09-2021 05:24 AM
Jun-08-2021 04:45 PM
Jun-08-2021 04:40 PM
StirCrazy wrote:
must be a US only thing, I looked on my amazon devides and I dont have the setting or app to disable or enable.
Jun-08-2021 04:29 PM
Jun-08-2021 03:09 PM
thomasmnile wrote:
I'm still trying to figure out how they would access bandwidth on another router but that's way beyond my pay grade. Thanks for the info OP.