Thanks for all the info. I had never heard of hub until I started playing with Basecamp. I wasn't using it, because I like each leg of my trip to be a separate route. Basecamp definitely has a learning curve, I was an avid Mapsource and Delorme user. Neither of these softwares are really supported anymore, especially on a MAC. I have always preferred to use the laptop to route my trips and then transfer to the Nuvi. Since the advancement of the smart phone and internet on the go, us R travelers have been left in the dust. Google Maps is ok, but when you don't have internet, our in big trouble.
Paper maps are good to check that you are following a major road and the most direct route, but like someone here said, they don't tell you how many lanes or which one to be in. I have to say we started traveling with paper maps, but since I have gotten used to a navigation tool, I will never be without, as imperfect as they are.