I lease a grandfathered unlimited Verizon SIM card off Ebay. It's in someone else's name, they pay probably $60/mo for it and get all their money back, then enough for another one. You never really know who you are ordering from when you get them, but mine happens to be through a local cell phone company out in California. It's still far cheaper than paying Verizon directly. You can find them for $120-$200/mo. Ours runs $120/mo and we do 80GB+/mo on it. We purchased our own Jetpack to put it in, around $80 for that. They are typically month to month, so they should work well for you. My parents do the same for their home Internet (no other high speed options in their area) and watch a few hours of Netflix a day on a leased AT&T SIM.
For areas that have weak signal, we also have a Weboost Drive 4G-X which tends to help.