dons2346 wrote:
rk911 wrote:
HappyKayakers wrote:
dons2346 wrote:
HappyKayakers wrote:
Here's an idea to rule out one problem. When you're using the phone as a hotspot, bring up a command prompt and ping Write down that IP address.
Then go back to the mifi connection. Open a browser and instead of putting in as the address, use the ip address. If it works with the ip address, you have a name resolution problem associated with the mifi.
I don't understand the "name resolution" association. Would this affect every computer I am using plus my pad?
Not necessarily. You certainly have a strange problem. This check will take about 5 mins to try and not involve any additional harm to your computer.
If it doesn't work, then the previous suggestion about clearing cookies might help. I always hate starting with that cuz that means I have to reinput passwords and a few other things on favorite sites.
you don't necessarily have to clear cookies...just the temp files. but if that doesn't work then clearing cookies may help.
But guys, this is on multiple devices, not just one. I don't see how clearing cookies and temp files would affect all of them at once.
sorry...that part obviously didn't click in my brain. well, clear out your temp files on the computer and see what happens. can't hurt and I've seen stranger things happen. you may have coincidental different issues on each platform resulting in the same behavior. not likely but possible.
beyond that I think i would try creating a new Yahoo identity...something quick and dirty just to see if you can bring up the page associated with the new identity. if you can then there is something wrong with the old identity otherwise it may be something common on each of your platforms...a virus of some sort?
last week my buddy's wife had a problem with her Yahoo mail. it was taking between 3-24 hours for e-mail to show up in her inbox. after spending some time trying to troubleshoot the problem I created a new Yahoo ID for her. the result was the mail worked just fine on the new ID. beats me what was wrong but as I said...stranger things have happened.