โJan-30-2016 03:50 AM
โFeb-04-2016 06:53 AM
Goostoff wrote:
Are you talking about sattelite internet through Dish or land line DSL through dish?
We have Sattelite internet through Dish and I can tell you this is not a portable system to use in an RV. We get 10GB of data per month at 12MBs. After we hit the data cap we get turned down to 300KBs. It takes my kids 3 days to go through the 10GB
โFeb-03-2016 11:47 PM
โFeb-02-2016 08:30 PM
โFeb-02-2016 05:30 AM
Valkyriebush wrote:Bill.Satellite wrote:
Are all of these assumptions based upon the fact that you will NOT be RVing? This is an RV forum so I am a bit confused about what it is you are looking for. Dish internet is NOT mobile (it's really Hughes or Exceed) so I just want to make sure everyone knows that this has nothing at all to do with RVing.
I have dish in my RV, just making sure I wasn't missing something.
โFeb-02-2016 05:26 AM
Bill.Satellite wrote:
Are all of these assumptions based upon the fact that you will NOT be RVing? This is an RV forum so I am a bit confused about what it is you are looking for. Dish internet is NOT mobile (it's really Hughes or Exceed) so I just want to make sure everyone knows that this has nothing at all to do with RVing.
โJan-31-2016 03:23 PM
โJan-31-2016 01:15 PM
โJan-31-2016 05:44 AM
dsteinman wrote:
We were at 5 mbps on our DSL until a couple of years ago. It was fine for 2 kids using youtube alot and a Netflix movie at HD. At work we were still at 5 mpbs until last year and it was fine for 5 people browsing, downloading, working remotely and everything else.
You will need a wifi router unless it is part of the deal. Then you can set the phone to use the wifi instead of the phone data. You might find you don't even need 12 mbytes for the months you are at home.lryrob9301 wrote:
One other thing that has not been mentioned is bandwidth. I seriously doubt you will get 7mbs over a DSL line. It will be more like 1.1mbs or maybe they misread their script and the actual speed will be .7mbs
Our DSL was upgraded to fiber optic so now we have 26 mbps download. 23 mbps using speedtest.net. Anyhow the speed is measured in bits per second and that is what everyone quotes for a connection speed. If you are using bytes per second then it will be 1/8 - 1/10 the speed (sorry, I don't know if they still use parity bits or not).
โJan-30-2016 04:31 PM
lryrob9301 wrote:
One other thing that has not been mentioned is bandwidth. I seriously doubt you will get 7mbs over a DSL line. It will be more like 1.1mbs or maybe they misread their script and the actual speed will be .7mbs
โJan-30-2016 02:09 PM
โJan-30-2016 12:00 PM
โJan-30-2016 04:41 AM
โJan-30-2016 04:19 AM