timmac wrote:
Do not get the Roko stick, get the Roko 3 box, the stick does not get all the channels and has a hard time receiving internet, I like the Roko 3 boxes, they work just fine and cost under $100 and No Monthly Fees...
timmac wrote:
With streaming you don't need to record, all programs are always there ready to watch at anytime, that is what makes streaming so much better over satellite..
Smart TV's are OK but the Roku box offers many more channels and many are FREE...
I'm interested in this as well, and my recent (bad) experience with xfinity where I renegotiated my service - having to buy more packages to watch the shows I want (Mountain Men) and the fact that every night on my down time, I'm scrolling through the channel guide seeing nothing interesting.
It seems that you have to know what you want to watch and then go find it. We have Amazon Prime and NetFlix, and scroll through hundreds of movies, often finding nothing of interest. Sure there is lots of content, but I'm not one to watch the same movie over and over.
So I browsed their site and do not see the Roko 3 box. I do have a 4K TV and see that their top of the line box is the ROKU Ultra for 100 bucks. I have the fastest xfinity internet speed and currently have no streaming issues.
Other questions are how long do I have to wait for a new movie release to be available? Also, I'm sure I could take it with me camping and get internet via my work phone hot spot.
Any other costs involved? Thanks for the info - kind of lit the fire under my butt to cut the cord.