LarryJM wrote:
That is very similar to what I have and as I said I can move that display up/down and change the intensity. Once you get familiar with the HUGE amount of information there (including a little turn arrow based on your NAV track so you don't even have to look at your normal car display) IMO it makes overall driving much safer for everyone. Those like fj12ryder that have absolutely no idea how these things work and unfortunately like express factless opinions that are very unhelpful and totally off base.:h:S His lame comparison to something like a cell phone where you have to actually take you eyes off the road and concentrate on interacting with something in your hand just demonstrates IMO his total lack of understanding what reasonably designed HUDS are all about.
Perhaps you shouldn't be using that since it's seems like you can't understand the written word very well. I compared the HUD to a cell phone only in that it is a distraction. Ever watch these yahoos text? They put that phone right there at the top of their steering wheel so they don't have to look down. They just refocus from the view ahead to the view on their phone, kind of like refocusing on the HUD. Since they don't have to look down it must be much safer, right? Well, maybe not.
I guess if you don't like the message, you attack the messenger. It's seems to be the only way to "defend" your view.