Forum Discussion

bwodom's avatar
Aug 13, 2018

Intermittent issues with Trip Planner software

Is anyone else having intermittent issues with the software? This is our biggest trip so far and the software has been the least reliable this time. It frequently seems to "hang up" -- when I ask it to Add to Trip, nothing happens. It also does not always save modifications. Sometimes error messages about coming back later.

I have tried to modify my current trip 3 times during the past 24 hours and cannot get the software to respond. This has happened several times during the past few months...same type issue. Certainly puts a crimp in my trip planning!

I have had the Good Sam GPS and used the software for over 5 years and it seems it is seems to be getting less and less useful.
Updates are usually fixing errors, not making any real improvements. How about investing in the technology!?

I know the answer of course -- I need to buy the new GPS version so I can spend more money at Camping World. :R
  • Have you run the diagnostic portion of Dock?
    Ours works far better then the Garmin we have!
  • Yes, I have the earlier version, and it was updated when we left in April and again last week. I have been using the Dock software since I have had it and only recently have I had problems with the software itself when on the Internet doing trip planning.

    I think there are too many options out there now for me to continue putting up with software which just doesn't cut it any more.
  • I am guessing that you have the early version of the Rand McNally GPS. Have you updated it?
    Ours recieve manually many updates.
    You need to download Rand McNally Dock. It is very easy to update using that app.
  • That's why I only use it for gas stops (Pilot/Flying J).

    I would have wished it has more features for true trip planning but heck, if GS and CW webstie tech and customer service-level are any indication, you can just but lose hope.

    Useless too to write Marcus, he is busy with his TV career, lol.
  • Mine will do that on occasion. I think i run in and out of service areas.