my payment was billed yesterday
no emails, no paypal notices ... YET
that was quick
this email arrive 2:10pm, while i was reading and replying to this thread
Dear Subscriber:
We regret to inform you that your wireless service will terminate effective November 30, 2015
(the “Termination Date”). This termination of service and any resulting inconvenience has resulted from the service provider, Verizon Wireless (“Verizon”) and its decision to discontinue its support of the program. Needless to say, this circumstance is unfortunate and we are disappointed by Verizon’s decision – particularly in light of the fact that Verizon publicly endorsed and applauded the Omnilynx program less than one year ago.
As of the Termination Date and in accordance with your terms of service, you will no longer receive wireless services pursuant to the Omnilynx program, and we will no longer accept payment(s) for such services. Balances received in advance of service will be prorated and promptly refunded to you.
Thank you for your support of the OmniLynx program.
this is the entire Email
i'm thinking they will eventually get around to asking for the return of the MiFi device