camperkilgore wrote:
Johno02 wrote:
I get more amazed and amused every time I start reading a new thread about how much data, and how much it costs, and all that. Remembering back just a few years, when having a telephone meant having a nickle or quarter to put in a pay phone on the corner! Then looking at how fast this has all come about is also astounding! We were able to raise our family, tour a lot of the US, live our daily lives of work and play, when the only way to communicate with our friends and family was by letter mail written in longhand script and a week was really fast delivery time. And for some, the world was a better place. And mobile phones were in the truck of a car, and had long whip antennas.
I wish I had a time machine. I'd go back. I don't remember having the aggravation that I have now with all the electronics invading our lives. Password changes alone are driving me nuts. Not to mention all the thieves that now try in every possible way to swim into our finances through the "streams".
I wonder what it would be like to not touch it for a week. There is no phone on the wall or princess model by the bed!