David, Here is a link to the Manual for your steps.
LINKYou will get a lot of help here on the forum about steps but unless you really want to search here and there it is best to follow the trouble shooting guide in the manual. It is systematic and concise, plus when you are through reading the normal operation and electrical schematic, you will know as much as most of us know.
Something very few folks know is that there were TWO versions of the Kwikee steps made in 1999. You most likely have the most recent version, the one with the window lift motor. If you are unfortunate and have the system used only in step made before February of 1999, you will need a couple hundred dollars in parts. If it has a window step motor, it will be less than $60 for a motor. Here is a motor brand(ACI) and The Autozone model number(83094), they are also available on Amazon.
The one thing that you will hear most often is to make sure your ground connection is very good. Bad grounds are hard to find sometimes so it is easiest to just clean the battery grounds and the step controller grounds.
It is very simple to trouble shoot the steps and if needed it is very easy to change the motor. Pm me and I'll pass on how I would do it.