โFeb-14-2014 06:37 AM
โFeb-17-2014 09:03 AM
โFeb-16-2014 06:22 PM
โFeb-16-2014 06:12 PM
โFeb-16-2014 11:45 AM
AuntSmurf wrote:
I know it's only been a couple of days, but does anybody else find it a bit strange that the OP hasn't responded to anyone's suggestions or questions?
โFeb-16-2014 09:23 AM
โFeb-16-2014 08:47 AM
bigdogger wrote:bryris wrote:If you are going to complain about bad "grammer", you should get the spelling correct. The proper spelling is "grammar". The sentence in which you complain about bad punctuation has poor sentence structure and an unnecessary comma. People who live in glass houses really need to be careful about throwing stones.
Seems that every repair establishment I find is not willing to go out of way at all, doesn't return calls, answers e-mails with bad grammer and punctuation, and incomplete answers. I am having to adjust to just feeling like a number despite the near $100/hr rates being charged.
I've tried to talk to 4 different ones, all the same result.
I've got a guy coming out Monday to do repairs, but only because he was the first I called. No one else has even tried to win the job with any heart. I have over 2k of repairs to have done. They'd rather lose the job than try to accomodate my schedule by coming out on a Sat or meeting me at camper at 5:30pm.
Strange. Must be a very lucrative industry to just be able to pick and choose jobs. I think I am working in the wrong field.
I would run from a business that quoted repairs sight-unseen over the phone or internet and I have no expectation or illusion that I am so important that they will change their work schedules to accommodate me.
โFeb-16-2014 06:18 AM
bryris wrote:If you are going to complain about bad "grammer", you should get the spelling correct. The proper spelling is "grammar". The sentence in which you complain about bad punctuation has poor sentence structure and an unnecessary comma. People who live in glass houses really need to be careful about throwing stones.
Seems that every repair establishment I find is not willing to go out of way at all, doesn't return calls, answers e-mails with bad grammer and punctuation, and incomplete answers. I am having to adjust to just feeling like a number despite the near $100/hr rates being charged.
I've tried to talk to 4 different ones, all the same result.
I've got a guy coming out Monday to do repairs, but only because he was the first I called. No one else has even tried to win the job with any heart. I have over 2k of repairs to have done. They'd rather lose the job than try to accomodate my schedule by coming out on a Sat or meeting me at camper at 5:30pm.
Strange. Must be a very lucrative industry to just be able to pick and choose jobs. I think I am working in the wrong field.
โFeb-16-2014 05:32 AM
Dog Folks wrote:Terryallan wrote:Dog Folks wrote:
I was in a very non-glamorous service business for 30 years.
Look down at me, or feel superior, if you want, but at $100.00/hour back in the 80's,I got to pick and choose whom I worked for, and then laughed all the way to the bank.
Why would any one look down on a person that knows enough to help them with their problem? Trust me. IF I call you, I need you, and would be grateful for your help.
On another note. ANY honest job a person does that puts food on the table. Is an honorable job. No matter what. No one has the right to look down on a working man. I've done a lot of jobs, a lot of people prolly don't want to do. To feed my family. Proud to do it.
To the OP. It cost a lot less to take the RV to them. They charge extra to come to your house. And may not have the parts needed to fix your problem.
I agree but every once in a while a client acted as if he was better because he was paying me. You know the typical snob.
It was O.K. though, if they did this before billing, the price went up. Secondly,I never took their business again! That was fun. They told me I HAD to take their business! Surprise!
โFeb-16-2014 04:28 AM
โFeb-14-2014 02:22 PM
โFeb-14-2014 01:59 PM
โFeb-14-2014 01:40 PM
โFeb-14-2014 01:17 PM
Terryallan wrote:Dog Folks wrote:
I was in a very non-glamorous service business for 30 years.
Look down at me, or feel superior, if you want, but at $100.00/hour back in the 80's,I got to pick and choose whom I worked for, and then laughed all the way to the bank.
Why would any one look down on a person that knows enough to help them with their problem? Trust me. IF I call you, I need you, and would be grateful for your help.
On another note. ANY honest job a person does that puts food on the table. Is an honorable job. No matter what. No one has the right to look down on a working man. I've done a lot of jobs, a lot of people prolly don't want to do. To feed my family. Proud to do it.
To the OP. It cost a lot less to take the RV to them. They charge extra to come to your house. And may not have the parts needed to fix your problem.
โFeb-14-2014 12:39 PM
Dog Folks wrote:
I was in a very non-glamorous service business for 30 years.
Look down at me, or feel superior, if you want, but at $100.00/hour back in the 80's,I got to pick and choose whom I worked for, and then laughed all the way to the bank.