The big problem with cable TV nowadays is that all the cable companies went digital and they're all different. They each have their own proprietsry converter to change their digital signal so it can be viewed on an analog TV set.
We live in an area where Comcast is the local governmant-approved sole supplier and we have converters for each of our three TV sets in the S&B. We've run into several CG's in the last two seasons who have just had their service converted to digital and now face the problem of giving every visitor a loaner converter. Good old Comcast never told them what would be involved.
We've basically given up on trying to watch TV in the rig anymore. Apart from the national news and local weather, nothing much interests us. We watch a couple of PBS stations and the local News programs in the S&B, but nothng we can't do without when we're travelling.
Bottom line - when you're on the road, do without the goggle box!