GordonThree wrote:
Despite the rules, I don't think I've been to a camp ground yet where I have not seen unattended dogs left chained or crated at campsites. Including myself. As a solo traveler, my dog is unattended when I leave to use the public shower, that's how it is and I'm not leaving my dog home at a kennel so I can take a shower without annoying some busy-body.
MYOB folks, get over yourselves and enjoy your camping time instead of worrying about ruining someone elses Dog annoys you? Your idling diesel annoys me no way you need 30+ minutes to warm up or cool down, get that engine serviced if it takes that long. Maybe it's screaming kids, alcohol fueled all-night "good times" around the fire at maximum volume, or or or...
This! If there's anything worse than someone breaking a rule (especially if in this case the pet(s) are not causing a noise problem) it's a Karen.